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The Missing Key


Our rights to appear in the Courts of Heaven has been greatly undervalued. The missing key to our authority is here. Jesus has provided the access and the Bible shows us the court procedures. When we learn to operate in our official role as children of the Most High and citizens of Heaven, the enemy will be defeated and we will see the victory we have prayed for.


Canceling Curses


The death of Jesus freed us from the curse of the law. However, we must declare this freedom just as we must make a declaration for our salvation. 


  • Can curses be passed to our children?
  • What are signs of a curse?
  • How do you get rid of one?


Every answer is backed by scripture. Come and find out how easy it is to be free!

Destroying Curses in the Courts of Heaven (eBook)

  • Volume 3


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    This ebook is also FREE on every platform. Click on the words below if you have that app on your elctronic device: 


    Kindle - Amazon

    Nook - Barnes & Noble

    iBooks - iTunes


    This PDF is the same size as the books: 4.5 x 6 inches.


    Contact me if you wish to have an 8.5 x 11 format for easier printing.

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