about the living word
The Purpose of The Living Word
The very first prophecy the Lord brought to me was about the Living Word and provision for the Body of Christ. It is now coming to pass. He has asked me to present the circumstances and the prophecy to you.
The Beginning
To understand the prophecy, we must start at the very beginning. When I became pregnant with my first child, I wanted her to know God, so I rededicated my life to the Lord in 2000. I began reading the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Every night I’d crawl into bed, excited to talk to the Lord about what I had read that day.
Six months into this new journey, one night while praying, my hands and forearms began tingling, as if they had fallen asleep. I tried shaking them out, but the pins and needles kept troubling me.
For a week, every time I prayed, my arms and hands would tingle. I experimented:
I prayed and then stopped. The sensation came and went.
I prayed, sitting up in bed. Yep, it's still there.
I even prayed while on the toilet. Even there!
The next time I talked to my mom, I mentioned it to her. “That’s the power of the Holy Spirit,” she said. “When He is resting on your hands, it usually means He wants to use you to do something.”

“Awesome! Maybe He will heal Tony,” I said. “He has this old injury in his ankle that has been bothering him. If God heals it, then Tony will know God cares about him!”
As was my practice, the next night I said my prayers silently so I wouldn’t disturb Tony. The tingling returned.
Unsure what to do, I remembered what my mom had taught me as a small girl: “In everything, praise Jesus.” I tried to whisper, “Jesus, I praise you.”
As I uttered “Jesus,” the tingling cascaded from my head to my toes. It was like an unseen force caressed every ounce of my being. The word came out breathy, like the whisper to a lover, “Je-es-sus.”
I tried again. As I said “Jesus,” the power poured over my body again, building in intensity. I whispered His name into the night over and over again, reveling in the feeling. I felt like I could walk straight up a wall and that if I jumped off a roof, I would float down to earth.
I couldn’t take any more. In my mind, I asked, “Lord, what do you want me to do?”
A picture appeared in my head. I raised my hands and put them on my neck as I was shown.
Power hit me. It was like a bolt of lightning running down my entire body. It was so strong I knew, if I was standing, I would have fallen down. An audible “Snlick,” something between a snap and a clicking noise came from inside my nose. I didn’t know it at that time, but at that moment God had healed my deviated septum!
A short time later, The Holy Spirit brought to my mind a doctor's visit I had a little more than a year ago:
After a CT scan, I was told I had a deviated septum, and surgery was recommended.
“No way I’m letting them stick something up my nose!” I said on the way home. “I was so nervous about that test that I was trembling.” Referring to the scan, I said, “The picture was probably blurry, that’s all.”
Later, Tony came into the house covered in grass. Usually, I would be close to the HEPA filter, trying to breathe while he mowed. Today, I slept through it.
God had healed my allergies, too!
At dinner, I was bubbling over with excitement. Tony was unconvinced, “It’s just mind over matter, that’s all.”
“But last week, I couldn’t breathe when you mowed the grass. Now I’m fine!” I protested.
He shrugged, “And you have been taking allergy shots for over a year. They have finally kicked in.”
“I didn’t take shots for cats, remember? I didn’t want to have three shots. Today I was able to pet the barn cats and even hold them. I didn’t even sniffle!”
He remained unconvinced.
On Monday, I drove to work along the normal route. The world of fragrance opened up before me. “There’s one scent, and there’s another,” I said out loud, though I was alone in the car. “Two smells at the same time, how is that even possible?”
Before now, chocolate had little flavor, and peanut butter tasted like dirt. I absolutely hated the two together. Now, peanut butter was delicious in all its nutty goodness; chocolate was fantastic. And I loved them together.
A couple of days later, a show on National Public Radio talked about how a deviated septum ruins your sense of smell. Your sense of smell determines, largely, what food tastes like. Also, a deviated septum will cause chronic sinus infections, which also plagued me nearly every month.
God made it quite apparent that I HAD a deviated septum and that now I was healed!
God Speaks
In the early summer of 2001, I lay in bed praying, “Dear God, I thank you so much for…”
A loud voice that sounded like it came from everywhere and nowhere interrupted my prayer and said, “I bless you.”
I didn’t look around, wondering what was going on. I sat up and said, “Lord!”
I don’t know how I knew it was the voice of the Shepherd; I just knew without a question it was the Lord Jesus.
Then He continued, “Miraculously.”
“Wow,” I thought, “You are going to give me another miracle – maybe You will heal Tony this time.”
Obviously, I was missing the point. He added, “Financially.”
My thoughts stuttered to a stop. “You, God, want to do something with money?”
A scene flashed before my eyes, something I had never dreamed of or even remotely wanted:
I was standing on the steps of a building that looked like a capital building. In front of me was a line of microphones; some were labeled NBC, ABC, and FOX, behind.
People were behind me, but I do not remember who they were. Half a dozen cameras were poised, ready to record whatever I said.
The year I launched The Living Word, the Lord asked me to look at this vision and use the gift of interpretation to understand what He said. Here is what it means:
Heaven’s Government
News stations
Giving news about Heaven to the World (Fox is worldwide)
Recording what is said
When I began The Living Word, I knew its purpose would be to tell people what is going on in Heaven and what God wants them to know.
The Living Word
How do I know this is what God has for me to do, and it should begin now? After God spoke to me, I told my husband about it. He said, “Good for you, Honey, you have such a vivid imagination!”
This was the second time Tony dismissed the miracles God was doing. I really didn’t want him to dismiss the miraculous blessing when it came, so I began to pray every night, “Lord, please speak to Tony so that he won’t deny the financial blessing that comes from you.” God sent two witnesses concerning the timing of the financial blessing in response to my prayer.
But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. (Matthew 18:16 ESV)
First Witness: The Dream
While waiting for God to speak to Tony, I had a dream that seemed so very real.
I was a house standing in the kitchen area, looking across a white marble countertop island with a sink to an open living room area. There was a very large patio window to the left and a front door to the right. Two children, a boy and a girl, came out of the bedroom on the other side of the living room area.
I handed them both a sack lunch, then returned to the kitchen island where the sink was. A man entered through the front door. He was average height, just under six feet tall. He had blonde hair in the 70s style, which was all one length and curled under at the shoulders. When we talked in the kitchen, I thought this extraordinary man was the gardener.
For a long time, I tossed this dream aside because I have two girls, not a boy and a girl, so I assumed it was just a dream. Then one day I read a book by Roland Buck called “Angel’s on Assignment.” He is a pastor in Boise who had many angelic visitations in the late 70’s early 80’s. Pastor Buck described the Arch Angel Gabriel exactly as the man I saw in my dream!
Here’s what the dream means:
ministries Children: new
Boys sow seed: these are the ministries of an apostle, evangelist, or prophet.
The Living Word is a prophetic ministry
I was called as a prophet in 2015
Two miraculous signs were given to confirm the appointment: See the free book Angels Believe in You for more details.
Girls nurture: this is a church that tends the sheep
Sack lunches: bread is the Word of God. Prepared meals are “teachings from God” in small bite-sized pieces. These are sack lunches, so they are teachings prepared for people to take with them.
I have been preparing messages for the Body of Christ with two ministries: one that sows seed and one that nurtures. Those are the Living Word and the Online Christian Church. After these ministries exist, God will send Gabrial with messages for the Body of Christ. Interestingly, I thought the angel was a gardener, just as those visiting the tomb of the risen savior also thought the angel was a gardener!
When will this occur?
Recently, a house guest was interested in seeing some model homes close to my house, just up the hill from where I currently live. The home overlooks the city of Star and the mountains of Boise. It is a very nice home with three bedrooms, each with their own bathroom. It also costs four times what my current home is worth!
After visiting the home, I couldn’t stop thinking about it, especially when I would pray. I would begin thinking about where I could put furniture or what would be needed. After a couple of weeks, I cried out to the Lord in frustration, “Lord, am I off in the weeds? Have I given materialism a place? I have never coveted anything…why am I focused on this house?”
Immediately, the dream from twenty-four years ago came back to me. That dream took place in the house that was built this year! The kitchen, living room, and large windows were very distinctive. This means that the dream is coming to pass now!
The house resides in Star Pointe subdivision. In the Book of Revelation, angels are referred to as stars. The dream shows that Gabrial will bring messages: a star will point the way for the body of Christ. This spelling of “pointe” is used in ballet to describe standing on the toes. In other words, bringing the Body of Christ to the next level.
The address is 8188. There are two different meanings for 8, and we see them both here:
8: a new beginning - there were eight people in Noah’s Ark 8: a new
1: God
88: Multiplied Creative Guidance from God
4 is the creative ability
2 is multiplication
Jesus showed Himself alive eight times after His resurrection from the dead.
Only eight men penned the New Testament.
The house resides on Inspiration Drive. That is the job the Lord has assigned me: To inspire His people to follow His ways.
Whether or not God wants me to live in that house is up to Him. It would take a financial miracle to accomplish it.
Second Witness: God Speaks to Tony
After I had this dream, in September of 2001, Tony came home very excited, “I’ve got something to tell you. It is really weird, but it has nothing to do with that God thing.”
Tony ate at ‘Jack in the Box’, a local fast-food restaurant, for lunch quite often because it was close to work (yes, I know, so very unhealthy…). He received the same number on his receipt three times this week, 313.
Tony knows math – he’s an engineer. He said the odds of getting the same number twice in the same month was like being struck by lightning. Getting the numbers three times in the same week was like being struck by lightning nine times. “But it has nothing to do with that God thing,” he was quick to point out.
My mom explained: “Tony heard from God three times: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”
I consulted some friends of ours. Cheryl said, “God is a Trinity, three, and God is all… one, and God is three – 313. But there’s more…. The numbers add up to seven – God’s number of perfection!” Seven is the number of completeness and perfection, both spiritual and physical: After seven days, the world was complete and perfect. The seventh day is also the Lord’s Sabbath, set aside for the faithful to feel spiritually closer to Him.
Cheryl’s husband, Jeff, said, “I don’t see God in every tree and every flower like my wife, but if Tony is waiting to hear from God, what more does he want, a bolt of lightning?”
Jeff finally convinced Tony – he’d take the numbers, ready to say that God was responsible for giving it to him. It occurred to me that hearing from God with lightning was done at the beginning of this year; God spoke with four bolts of lightning about what He was doing. (Video: God Speaks: Lightning Strikes in America Buildings on New Year's Eve)
When will this happen?
The Fast of Esther will occur on March 13, 2025. A lunar eclipse, a blood moon, will occur during that fast, and the following feast of Purim will occur the next day. This fast and the following feast foreshadow the Two Witnesses and the coming Tribulation. The fact that the date is 313 with a blood moon and a Jewish holiday marks this as the fulfillment of God speaking to Tony. For more information, please see the teachings about the Two Witnesses, God’s Message 313, and look for an upcoming message in March 2025 on the Fast of Esther.
God’s people will need provision for what is coming. He has provided a way for them to receive according to His principles.
The Living Word
In America, ministries are tax-exempt, but you need a Tax Identification Number (TIN) to do business. I applied for one in early 2024 and this was the number the government assigned to this ministry: 99-3130467. You can not pick a number. It is given to you at random. Here is what it means:
99: God’s Faithful Children. There were ninety-nine sheep who didn’t go astray. Matthew 18:12-13
313: The sign for the miraculous financial blessing given to Tony
It also is a message to God’s people about the coming Tribulation
See the video on that here
0: a space of time
4: creative power of God (Genesis 1:14)
6: man (Genesis 1:26)
7: Perfection and completion in the physical (Genesis 2:1-2)
This ministry is for God’s faithful children, where they can sow and receive God’s supply in a creative way in the perfect time.
God’s Provision
So how does God speaking to me about a financial blessing help you receive provision when needed? That will take a bit more explaining. I will stick to the portions of my journey that pertain to the creation of the Living Word.
When God spoke to me, I was a newborn Christian. I had no idea about prophecy. I thought that because He said, “I BLESS YOU,” in the present tense, it would happen right then, ASAP. Now I know that God speaks in the present tense because when He speaks, He knows what will happen in the future, and when He speaks in the present tense, nothing will keep it from happening.
Not knowing this, I looked at the vision literally and began playing the lottery because that was the only place I saw TV cameras and money. Every time I played, I heard God say, “Bigger.” I would obediently wait for the lottery to get bigger, then play again.
After not hitting the numbers once again, I sought God. “20 Million is plenty of money. We don’t really need more.”
A question came to my mind from the Holy Spirit, “What about your extended family? Use half for you and half for them.” I now realize that means the family of God, not my aunts and uncles.
I continued playing the lottery, and at one point, I said, “Lord, surely this is enough?”
Instantly, a picture of homeless people came to my mind, “The more you have, the more you can help.”
After seven years, I realized that I was looking to the Lottery for provision instead of God. I haven’t played since. I now know that provision will come differently so that the Body of Christ can receive all they need from Him.
How do you Receive Provision?
I honestly didn’t really understand the fullness of this part until a few weeks ago. Let’s let the Word speak for itself:
I know how to be abased and live humbly in straitened circumstances, and I know also how to enjoy plenty and live in abundance. I have learned in any and all circumstances the secret of facing every situation, whether well-fed or going hungry, having a sufficiency and enough to spare or going without and being in want.
I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency]. (Philippians 4:12-13 AMPC)
I have been very content to work for the Lord. It is just me and Him. I trust Him to supply whatever I need when I need it. There were times when I first began that were really lean and I learned to be content in those times. My husband's job has been going very well for the last several years. He provides for our family. I didn’t want to talk about people giving to this ministry. Still, God literally afflicted me, and I was very sick and unable to do much of anything until I agreed to take this next step as Paul describes to the Philippians.
And you Philippians yourselves well know that in the early days of the Gospel ministry, when I left Macedonia, no church (assembly) entered into partnership with me and opened up [a debit and credit] account in giving and receiving except you only. For even in Thessalonica you sent [me contributions] for my needs, not only once but a second time. (Philippians 4:15-16 AMPC)
When we support God’s work, we are sowing seeds for God. In time, “fruit” will cause an increase and we will receive a harvest from what we have given to God.
A “partner” is someone who gives so God’s work can be done. The credit for the work is accounted to both the one doing it and the one sowing into the ministry. I now have a button on our website for “partners,” which means you have received from God through this ministry and want to support God’s work with a certain amount, either once or on an ongoing basis because you believe in the work being done for the Lord. I do this in full agreement with what Paul said next:
Not that I seek or am eager for [your] gift, but I do seek and am eager for the fruit which increases to your credit [the harvest of blessing that is accumulating to your account]. (Philippians 4:17 AMPC)
I don’t want you to think I desire you to send money. It has been hard for me to submit to the Lord and give this message because my husband supplies for our family's needs. I know this is much more than many people have, especially overseas, where our average income in the US is exorbitant in comparison. I am only accepting partners so that you can receive from God.
I now realize what God meant by supplying for my family. Many people are volunteering their time and skills for the ministry to function. I may not need the help, but I can help them by paying them for their work. Until then, they contribute to the ministry and accumulate provisions by volunteering.
When people give to support God’s work, He will multiply that seed back to them in their time of need. Some absolutely cannot give because their husband refuses to allow it, or perhaps they don’t have anything to trim back in their budget; well, volunteering is a way to invest in the ministry. Even if you lack skills, watching videos, sharing, commenting, and liking them helps God’s Word reach others. God KNOWS where you are and what you can do. Paul spoke of this:
Let him who receives instruction in the Word [of God] share all good things with his teacher [contributing to his support]. Do not be deceived and deluded and misled; God will not allow Himself to be sneered at (scorned, disdained, or mocked by mere pretensions or professions, or by His precepts being set aside.) [He inevitably deludes himself who attempts to delude God.] For whatever a man sows, that and that only is what he will reap. (Galatians 6:6-7 AMPC)
As I meditated, asking the Lord what to write about this, He revealed how this principle was present in my life. When I came to the Lord, my husband didn’t want to tithe, but he let me go and hear a few people speak at conferences. These were during the “lean times,” I would save money by using coupons and budgeting our meals for weeks before. Then, when I was there and receiving wisdom from God, I would give whatever I had.
I didn’t know this principle, but I was so grateful to God for bringing me to this place, so grateful to the Holy Spirit for the wisdom that I gave whatever I had. I always saved money for an offering and brought it with me, but when I received from God, I just gave whatever was in my hands. The Lord said that by doing this, he allowed Him to bring greater wisdom into my life. His Spirit expounded upon the principles that were truth and revealed what was not.
God knows all things. He knows the desire of your heart to give and what you have to give. These are His principles, His ways. It is how He will provide for His people.
There is a time coming when many will be in need. I’ve known this for years and agonized about how to supply for the body of Christ who will be in need. Now I can see God’s plan and it is according to His Word.
When we continue reading what Paul said in the book of Philippians, we see a bit more about what type of giving receives a harvest:
But I have [your full payment] and more; I have everything I need and am amply supplied, now that I have received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent me. [They are the] fragrant odor of an offering and sacrifice which God welcomes and in which He delights. And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:18-19 AMPC)
Paul was not a pastor of a church. He was not receiving tithes as God’s storehouse. But he was receiving offerings from people and churches for his work as an apostle. Evangelists, apostles, and prophets can receive offerings. As the Amplified Classic Version shows, these offerings create an “account” with God, who will then supply generously for your needs since you have supplied for His work.
We see this principle in action when Jesus fed the multitudes. God instantly multiplied what was sown to meet the ministry’s needs. There was fruit that overflowed into twelve baskets!
Please do not think I am telling you that all you have to do is give to this ministry to receive the harvest; you still need to learn God’s ways and do them!
My Part
I am so very grateful for the support I have received thus far. The Lord has asked me to pray over the offerings I receive. I have done this and will continue to do it. Now, I will add to those prayers an acceptance of the support, thanking God for supplying for your needs in troubling times.
I have repented for thinking that I would supply for the Body of Christ during the coming season. Oh, I may still be called upon to have a supply for a portion of the Body, but God can do so much more than I ever could: He will multiply what is sown directly back to the one who gives it, some 30 times, some 60, and some 100!
I do not know when you will see the return on what you give. For some, He will supply more for you now so you can put things in place for the future. For others, He will miraculously supply in the moment. What I do know is that continuing to learn His ways and apply them will cause the seeds you sow to multiply in greater measure!
Angels Believe in You has been updated!
Find the full story there.